inside the life of The Smug Mum
The Sunshine
& The Storms
A Little Bit of Neglect
As with food, children need care and preparation if you want the world to experience them at their best.
In the early years we give them all our love, attention and support, but too much of a good thing can spoil any dish, or child.
Add in some spice with changing needs, moods & personalities, and what soothed, calmed & entertained yesterday is the reason for embarrassment or a meltdown today.
Whatever the trouble, it will be your fault. But there is a solution. Just add a sprinkling of neglect.
Deja Vu
It’s not the shortages we should be worried about…
Nearly 3 years ago, Qatar was placed under embargo by it’s neighbours and panic-buying customers managed to clear the supermarket shelves within three days. Fortunately 40,000 imported dairy cows saved us from a milk shortage. This week British supermarkets have struggled to cope with panic-buying and yesterday my daughter’s asthmatic friend was excluded from her maths class for coughing. Are prejudice and panic really the lessons we want our children to learn?