Happy New Year (part 2)

At the end of December a few years ago I handed each member of my family a piece of paper. It was a fun end-of-year review I’d found on the internet, with pictures to colour (who doesn’t like colouring?), sections to fill in with achievements during the year, the things you’d like to have done and hopes for the coming year. I should have printed another copy for 2019 - and perhaps I still will - but instead, during our last supper of 2019, my family and I had a chat about our resolutions for 2020. As we went round the table it was clear the children had ideas not only for their own New Years resolutions but for each other. Fortunately they were easily distracted by the offer of dessert and it didn't end in war, but I was then left wondering if their suggestions would have gone along the lines off:

  • For Mummy - stop asking (who, why, when or will you); say yes

  • For Daddy - move to UK; move us from UK to …

  • For Brother - pass driving test and drive us wherever we ask

  • For Big Sister - play with your sisters; do whatever your brother asks

  • For Middle Sister - do whatever your brother or sisters ask; take the blame

  • For Little Sister - do whatever your brother or sisters ask; take the blame

  • For Dog - stop trying to eat everything on the kitchen counters; clean up your own poo

In no particular order our actual resolutions included ‘stop being sassy’, ‘work harder’, ‘do something for those less fortunate’, ‘be nice to …’ and ‘make the most of every day’. I’m relieved they’re all self-managing resolutions and no-one decided to become vegan or go to the gym every day because that would mean I, as cook and driver, would have to as well!

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Good luck!

Smug Mum

4 kids, 3 countries, 12 homes, 100’s of experiences, no judgements


What’s In A Name


Happy New Year (part 1)