Counting My Blessings # 1

1. There can only be one number one. My husband, my rock, my sanity-check!

Now more than ever, when all the noise and messages from news, social media and the voices inside our heads threaten to overwhelm, everyone needs someone they can turn to who can help them regain a sense of perspective. Despite being stuck on a different continent at the moment, my husband is my biggest blessing.

I normally drink a large glass of water before I go to bed but last night I forgot. This morning I woke up with a headache. As I lay in bed pondering the relative merits of more sleep vs medication I realised I was uncomfortably warm. It may have been the extra blanket on top of my duvet, it could have been because I was wearing winter PJs or maybe it was because my bedroom window (normally open) was closed and our heating hasn’t been adjusted for the milder weather yet. I tested my forehead temperature with my palm and wrist (of course our simple oral thermometer stopped working a few days ago and the new one I finally found online won’t arrive until the middle of MAY), decided I had a temperature and, in the face of all possible reasons, concluded that the most likely cause (despite my extensive precautions) was Covid-19.

I went downstairs, had a drink of water and two tablets, then phoned my husband. He took my fear (and tears) well, especially considering he was in the middle of an important meeting. He reminded me that I’ve had almost no contact with people other than our children for ten days and that the wrist thermometer is notoriously unreliable. He suggested I should have a shower and a cup of coffee, then see how I feel.

2. My eldest two children.

My son came downstairs shortly after and told me to stop being so dramatic. Five minutes later, as I coughed after accidentally inhaling some of my coffee, he told me he was worried about me because I seem to be coughing a lot.

After my shower I was sitting scrolling through my phone when my eldest daughter came for a cuddle. My suggestion that she should keep her distance, just in case, was immediately ignored as she sat next to me, took my hand and started fiddling with the engagement and wedding rings on my finger. “Will they still come off?” she asked. I definitely got the impression she was planning ahead! She then tried to make me feel better by sharing a funny exchange of messages she’d had with a ‘friend’. They’d been chatting when, to her annoyance, he complained that he didn't see what all the Covid-19 fuss is about, that he wasn't worried and was planning to go and catch up with some friends. She replied ‘enjoy your ventilator’ and deleted him from her contacts. Ignoring the double standards for a moment, ???

As you can probably tell, I’m finding this new normal as tricky as the next person but talking helps, whether it’s to a parent, partner, friend, doctor or therapist. Listening is really important too. Some people are ‘rocking the lockdown’, others are supporting others with their ‘helping hands’ but I think a lot are like me, struggling to balance work and home(school). The thing is, we’re all in this together so if you’ve got any tips for coping (or if you’re looking for some), please feel free to leave a comment below.

Stay safe x

Smug Mum

4 kids, 3 countries, 12 homes, 100’s of experiences, no judgements


A Day At A Time


Deja Vu