Listen To Your Teacher


I spun round to face middle daughter as a gasp escaped my eldest daughter. It’s not unknown for middle daughter to use colourful language but until now it’s been exclusively restricted to heated moments and borne out of frustration or rage. What took me aback was that she was, at that moment, crouched on the kitchen floor transferring clean crockery from dishwasher to cupboard without any sibling involvement or interference.

Assuming I’d misheard, I asked her to repeat herself.


“Er, no!” I responded, while eldest daughter rapidly turned away to hide a shocked smile.

“Why? It’s not rude” said my delightful middle girl calmly.

“Actually, it’s very rude. Please don’t use it again” I replied.

“Oh! I didn't realise” she said with honesty (I believe her because rude words are only ever muttered or, if said loud enough to be heard, growled from behind the safety 0f her bedroom or bathroom door). “My teachers use it all the time.”

I’m hoping it’s a ‘lost in translation’ thing and that the teachers don’t really speak like that at her school. Or maybe they do, in which case she’s receiving a slightly broader education than I’d anticipated. But, while I may not be delighted by this particular lesson, at least I know she’s paying attention!

Smug Mum

4 kids, 3 countries, 12 homes, 100’s of experiences, no judgements


New Adventures


A Surfing Summer